Sara's labor just would not kick in all day. They tried with "miso" to kick in the contractions as she was 5cm and then progressed some with little action. Sara was just feeling too good. They then started pitocin in the afternoon with no really progress until they upped it around 5pm. Things seemed to be some more active. By 6pm we were feeling the dinner bell. Ian got ready to go out to get food to bring in. Very shortly after he left and with a move taught by one of the OBs to allow the baby to drop down Sara's water broke. For her and her MD friend and supporter it was a hillarious moment of now what do I do? Call Ian back! Get ready for the ride! And the ride began at 6:30PM into very active labor. Sara had 5 hours of labor, no pain killers but some nitrous oxide and she hung with it. One of her Dr. friends lead her skillfully into using her breath to enter the pain and be with it. It was amazing and calming. Her pushing and the delivery was exhausting and tough. Our darling arrived and we were all blessed. And Sara was a hero initiated into another powerful part of womanhood.
The room was filled with people who Sara loved and who loved her, her colleagues who gave her the best of care and her loving husband, Ian and me the mother, grandmother, Bubbles. This name, Bubbles, does it make you giggle? Does it make you say, Bubbles? This name happened when Sara was first pregnant and she asked us what do we want to be called as grandparents. I wanted to think on it. I did some research. I googled names. I saw a few silly names including Bubbles. It made me laugh at how silly such a name would be. I told Sara about my research and silly name discovery. I told her this as a joke. But, she said, "That's it! You are Bubbles!" She would not let me say no. So, maybe it is truly Bubbles. It makes me giggle and makes me smile. I wanted a name different from Grammy which was my mother's grandma name. I have no problem being a grandmother, I am so honored and blessed to be at this stage of life and please also refer to me as the grandmother but Bubbles is fun! What grandchild will not want to spend time with her Bubbles! We will see if it sticks....
Today, watching the snow all day. I am home. I got home at about 2AM last night just as the first flakes were falling. Ian will come home I hope to rest and then I will return to the precious ones. Such deep, deep satisfying joy. It is hard to share fully here on this page how at one moment in time I feared I would never have such a joy. Life is so filled with miracles and this is one, Sara is one and my dearest Anna is one. With this full joyful heart, all of it is one incredible, amazing, stupendous, gorgeous, mind blowing MIRACLE! So, so, so Blessed.....Isn't she lovely?